Bloomingdale Homeowners Association

Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association

Circa 1979
The Official Website of the Bloomingdale Community

Government Services

Government Services



The BNA Board works actively with local and state governments to keep Bloomingdale’s interests protected. Focus areas are Public Safety, Public Works, and Schools.

Public Safety Committee:

This committee helps to maintain Bloomingdale’s livability, desirability, security, and property values by proactively coordinating with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and Fire Rescue Department to ensure communication and cooperation between the agencies and the community. A BNA Board member attends the Bloomingdale Area Community Council (BACC) Meeting at the Sheriff’s Sub-station off Erindale Road on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.

Public Works Committee:

This committee acts as the liaison between the BNA and the Hillsborough County Public Works Department and County Planning Agencies. Focus of the committee includes improvements and maintenance of roadways and utilities within and around the community, the monitoring of current conditions, and future needs of the community, and representing the community on special projects, i.e. “Big Box, Bell Shoals, and Natures Way improvements.”