Bloomingdale Homeowners Association

Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association

Circa 1979
The Official Website of the Bloomingdale Community

Bloomingdale Community Scholarship


The 2024 Bloomingdale Community Scholarship application period is open!

Applications are available in Bloomingdale High School’s guidance office and at through emailing the Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association: or click this link:

2024 Scholarship Application

Scholarship Information

The Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association (BNA) created the Bloomingdale Community Scholarship Fund in 2006 to assist outstanding Bloomingdale High School Seniors who plan to continue their education in college or vocational school programs. The $2,000 scholarship named in honor of the late Bloomingdale Principal B.J. Stelter serves to reward high school seniors and encourage them to pursue a college career.

To be eligible, applicants must be residents of the Bloomingdale community, and the applicant’s parent/guardian must be a current member of the Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association. In addition, the applicant must have at least a weighted 3.2 grade point average at the time of scholarship disbursement, and must be accepted at a two- or four-year accredited college or university. The application selection criteria includes Community Service, Extra-curricular activities, Essay, Academics, and Letter of Reference. Applicants will be judged solely on merit, not financial need.

The application is generally available in January of each year at the high school’s guidance office, the BNA office, and on this website. The winning student will be announced at the May BNA board meeting. 

For more information, call 813-681-2051/252-0252, or email

2024 Winner Samuel Harrison