Bloomingdale Homeowners Association

Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association

Circa 1979
The Official Website of the Bloomingdale Community


Bloomingdale Neighborhoods

Photo: Tom Leech

The Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association is the master association for thirty (32) individual neighborhoods. Sixteen (16) of those neighborhoods have their own mandatory Homeowner Associations, and the remaining sixteen (16) have voluntary Homeowner Associations. The BNA is a voluntary organization providing numerous programs and services that contribute to the quality of life in our community. 

Many of the neighborhoods are further sub-divided into sections according to Hillsborough County records, and each section has unique deed restrictions. There are a total of forty-four (44) different deed restrictions within the community. Only those deed restrictions in our mandatory HOA neighborhoods are still active.

The voluntary HOA neighborhood deed restrictions have expired. They are included here for historical perspective. These neighborhoods are governed by the Neighborhood Standards program enforced through HC Code Enforcement. 

Mandatory HOA Neighborhoods/Active Deed Restrictions

Bloomingdale Cove: Section DD, 253 homes, established 1/1/1996

Bloomingdale Ridge (Fox Run/The Greens): Sections V/U, 289 homes, established 11/1/1986

Fox Run: Section V, 103, 11/1/1986

The Greens: Section U, 186, 11/1/1986

Bloomingdale Village: Section AA/GG, 154, 2/1/1996

Bristol Green: Section AA/GG, 188, 5/1/1995

Cambridge Cove: Section N1, 68, 12/8/1994

Eagle Point: Section BL, 38, 6/1/1998

Erin Arbor: Section JJ, 101, 8/1/1988

Erindale Oaks: Section BL 28, 5, 12/1/2013

Heritage Park: Section LL, 109, 4/1/1996

Preston Woods: Section EE, 95, 10/27/1997

River Crossing: Section BB, 171, 10/1/1986

Somerset: Section CC, 183, 6/1/1986

The Links: Section AA/GG, 103, 7/1/1996

The Villas at Bloomingdale: Section B!a, 18,

The Cove @ TC FE, 14, 1/1/1991 (Does not have an active HOA)

Voluntary HOA Neighborhoods/ Expired Deed Restrictions

Augusta Village / Stratford Trace W E V 224 9/1/1984

Bloomingdale Estates: 177, 2/1/1980

Section D1,

Section D2

Section D3

Bloomingdale Oaks: Section XX, 184, 8/1/1984

Bloomingdale Pointe, formerly Section A

Section A1 Old Pulte East, N of Green, 201, 3/1/1979

Section A2 Old Pulte East, N of Green, 201, 3/1/1979

Section A3 Old Pulte East, N of Green, 201, 3/1/1979

Section A4 Old Pulte East, N of Green, 201, 3/1/1979

Bloomingdale Trace: Section O, 126, 6/1/1984

Bloomingdale West:

Section C1, 226, 10/1/1979

Section C2, 226, 10/1/1979

Section C3, 226, 10/1/1979

Section C4, 226, 10/1/1979

Section E (Old Suarez West, N of Bloomingfield Ave), 94, 5/1/1983

Section H1 (Old Suarez West, S of B’filed), 163

Section H3 (Old Suarez West, S of B’filed), 163

          Section H4 (Old Rylands West), 65, 10/1/1982

Chadd’s Ford: Section N, 48, 5/1/1984

Cypress Reserve: Section J/K (Old New Pulte East), 128, 12/1/1983

Fairway Manor: Section L, 134, 4/1/1985

Fairway Park, formerly Section M

Section M1 New Suarez, East, 154, 1/1/1984

Section M2 New Suarez, East, 154, 1/1/1984

Oakcrest: Section R, 483, 7/1/1985

Sandy Creek Manors

Section H2 (Old Pulte South), 119, 10/1/1979

Section H2 (Old Suarez West, S of B’filed), 163, 10/1/1979

Section I1 (Old Rylands), 96, 10/1/1982

Section I2 (Old Rylands), 96, 10/1/1982

Pine Oaks of Bloomingdale B1 and B2 W V 117 10/1/1979

Spring Lake: Section FF (Old Hooker Barnes), 85, 1/1/1986

Windsor Woods: Section P/Q, 221, 11/1/1986

Expansion Communities Joining the Association in 2018!

Bloomingdale Woods Condos @ (Not currently available) BW N N/A N/A

Pine Grove Condo @ (Not currently available) KK E M 127

Pine Grove Reserves

The Estates at River Crossing @ RCE S M

Savannah Landings @ (Not currently available) SL N M 44

Located within the Bloomingdale Community Boundaries, but not part of the Bloomingdale Neighborhood Association.

Dogwood Hills @ (Not currently available) DH SW V

Hickory Creek @ (Not currently available) HC SW M

John Moore Road @ (Not currently available) JMR FW V